Citadel: Diana episode 5 ending explained: Who really killed [spoiler]?

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Major spoilers ahead for Citadel: Diana episode 5

The twists keep coming in Citadel: Diana and they're game changers, particularly the one revealed in episode 5, "Attack." Edo and Diana's plan to infiltrate Manticore France is underway in the episode but it's a tense affair and it has our heroine flashing back to the day that the spy network destroyed Citadel.

As she enters Manticore France's headquarters, we also see her entrance into Citadel's Italian HQ. She was a part of the group set to attack the rival organization with Enrico, Edo's brother. Remember that suspicion I had in my article about episode 4, "The Zanis," well...I wasn't wrong.

Citadel: Diana
Citadel: Diana /

Who killed Enrico Zani in Citadel: Diana?

Diana was nervous during Manticore's attack. Enrico had tried reassuring her but she was struggling to maintain the facade she'd been trained to hold. It didn't help that her symptoms from Ménière's disease were flaring. But she took her medicine and tried to keep it together as they infiltrated Citadel. For the most part, Diana stayed out of the fire fight. She was B squad so her job was to help cover the frontline spies.

When a grenade went off, sending her and the other agents flying, she used the moment to make it seem as if she was knocked out. Luca screamed for her to get up but had to leave her to carry on with the mission. Once the coast was clear, Diana stumbled to the control room where she found a Citadel operative, the same one we saw in the Manticore cell last episode, working to shut down the weapon the agency had been working on.

She explained she was a mole and lept into action, helping him do what needed to be done in order to keep the weapon out of Manticore's hands. They worked frantically until Manticore spies found them. They were able to put the agents down but not before the Citadel operative was shot. It appeared that he was dead and the weapon went up in flames.

Next, Enrico entered the room. He took in the scene but didn't assume Diana was a threat. Instead, he went to the computer to try to salvage what they could of the weapon. His back was turned to her so he didn't see her pick up a discarded gun until it was too late. When Enrico turned, she shot him. Diana was shell-shocked by her own actions and that's how Matteo, Luca, and Giada found her.

Matteo asked who killed Enrico and Diana pointed to the Citadel agent presumably because she thought he was dead. Either he was only at death's door or the Zanis were somehow able to snatch him back from the jaws of death. I'm not sure. We very well could be entering more science fiction territory.

In any case, it's this memory that seems to keep Diana from shooting Edo. Their plan had worked. She successfully tricked Cécile into ordering Edo and his security detail back to Manticore France's HQ after she shared that the Zanis planned to cross her.

Edo, overriding the security system of the building, was able to show Cécile in person that she'd underestimated him. There was nothing she could do as he took control of the system and his agents began attacking hers. Leaving her in her office with her unnamed right hand woman, Edo first went to help Diana escape her prison cell and then they went to the room Cécile was keeping the computer that held the data for her half of the weapon.

As Edo was downloading everything they needed and deleting the master copy so Cécile would no long have it, Diana was warring with herself. Seeing Edo's tattoo, which matched Enrico's, triggered an emotional moment on her end. But she chose not to shoot him, instead she shot the operative who was going to shoot Edo.

Does Edo hold up his end of the deal with Diana?

Manticore Italy's mission was a great achievement though Edo wasn't done pulling tricks. He let Matteo believe that he was handing the data over to him to give to Ettore but really all he'd given his father was a menu. He still had the weapon and he used it as leverage to get Ettore to agree to make him Co-Head of Manticore Italy with equal power as him. Proud, Ettore said they could talk about it the following day.

Once Edo got off the phone, he noticed Diana standing in the parking lot. Then the two made a decision that can only go south once the truth about Enrico comes out, they slept together. In the after glow, Edo spoke of how the weapon gives them the opportunity to shape the spy network into the force they were promised, one that keeps people safe.

Having seen what she's seen and done what she's done, Diana doesn't know if she believes in any of that anymore but Edo wanted to prove something to her. He kept his word by giving her 20 million dollars and a means to leave. He promised that he would wipe her information from Manticore's database so that she could be free. But he hoped she'd stay and work with him. Diana seems to be weighing her options by the end of "Attack."

With one last episode to go, I do wonder what has yet to be revealed. I can't wait to see how this story ends.

All episodes of Citadel: Diana are streaming on Prime Video. Stay tuned to Americans Undercover for coverage. Follow us on X and Facebook for more content.

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