5 burning questions we have for a potential Citadel: Diana season 2

Citadel: Diana
Citadel: Diana /

Major spoilers ahead of Citadel: Diana

Citadel: Diana, Prime Video's new spy thriller set in the Citadel universe, is a compelling watch that tells the story of its titular operative working undercover as a Manticore agent. Over the course of six episodes centered on a weapon that allows the wielder to control the world, we learned how Diana came to work for Citadel and how she's been surviving since the organization's fall.

The series ends on a cliffhanger and there's yet to be word if there will be a second season, but I certainly hope so! There are many questions a season 2 could answer. I've compiled a list of five below. Where could the show go next? Let's dive into what the story still needs to answer!

1. Was Diana infected by Jupiter?

In the finale, "Jupiter," named after the moniker that Edo Zani has given the weapon, Diana gets into a deadly fight with Manticore Italy's manager, Matteo. He'd been ordered to kill her by Ettore Zani. Their clash sent them falling into the water where they'd just released the particles that will give Manticore the ability to turn humans into data banks of information and the Italy branch the power to kill them with a press of a button.

Diana survived the attack but it wasn't clear whether or not she was infected by Jupiter. Edo had said that it may not take for everyone because they were putting it into Milan's water source and not giving people a direct dose. However, the chances of Diana being infected are quite high since she was fighting in the very area where she first introduced Jupiter to the water source.

If she has been infected, Manticore will know everything that she does. Edo would also be able to kill her which is an important piece of the puzzle because she's a mole and is also responsible for his brother's death.

2. What will happen when Edo finds out about Diana being a mole?

Inevitably Diana is going to be exposed. When and how are the questions that hover in the forefront of my mind. Then follows what Edo is going to do about? Like I said, she killed his brother Enrico. And, in the finale, he killed his father for his attempt to murder her. Edo did so by infecting Ettore with Jupiter, threatening to end his life, and then making good on his threat when his dad wouldn't call Matteo off. It was a major life-changing decision that will reverberate through what happens next.

Edo, however, is deeply in love with Diana which may affect how he handles learning that she's a mole especially if he doesn't learn that information at the same time that he finds out that she killed Enrico. Would he kill her? Likely not but he'll want to know everything she's done in the name of Citadel and would imprison and perhaps torture her to learn this.

3. What is Diana's plan now that Citadel is back?

Citadel: Diana's first season is about Diana looking for a way to escape from Manticore. She chooses to stay when the Zanis get their hands on the weapon. After she kills Matteo, she comes upon slain Manticore agents and then her Citadel handler Gabriele appears. If you've seen the flagship then you know this is a signal that the spy network is back online.

With Ettore out of the picture, Edo will now become head of Manticore Italy and he already wanted Diana to be the manager of the agency instead of Matteo. She'll now be in a position of power with Edo's ear both professionally and personally. That'll be incredibly useful for Citadel whatever their next move turns out to be.

4. Will Diana be introduced to other Citadel agents?

Diana was so isolated from the rest of the spy network that no one in Citadel knew that she existed. That worked to her benefit when Manticore took their rival out but does that mean she'll have to remain alone with Gabriele as her only connection to the organization or will she finally get to work with other agents? Could there possibly be other moles that she didn't know about? Has Citadel Italy set up shop again? There's so many interesting directions that Citadel: Diana could take if at least one other agent is introduced.

5. Will the Citadel: Diana crossover with Citadel?

Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden didn't make cameos as Nadia Sinh and Mason Kane in Diana's story. But with Citadel back in the game perhaps that can happen in a second season. We did see a flash of Ambassador Dahlia Archer in a news segment announcing her "death" in season 1 so there is a connecting thread there. The two shows have wildly different tones but Diana meeting Citadel's top operatives, particularly if she's meeting them as Manticore's top agent, could be some good television. Fingers crossed something like this does happen.

Stay tuned to Americans Undercover for news on Citadel: Diana. Follow us on X and Facebook for more content!

Citadel: Diana filming locations in Italy and Switzerland. Citadel: Diana filming locations in Italy and Switzerland. dark. Next