Citadel: Honey Bunny has made its debut on Prime Video! The spy thriller is yet another addition to the franchise that spans the globe. Last month, we were treated to Citadel: Diana which took place in Italy after the titular agency was dismantled by Manticore, their rival organization. Now, we've been swept into a story set 40 years prior in India. Yes, the franchise's first prequel has arrived and it focuses on Nadia Sinh's parents.
If you've never seen the series that started this universe, let me give you a crash course into who Nadia is because she's a very important character. Though she's but a child in the prequel, she grows up to be one of the most formidable Citadel agents, if not their top operative. Here's what you need to know about her backstory.

Who is Nadia Sinh in the Citadel universe?
As I noted, Nadia is a Citadel agent but she's also a legacy operative. She's the daughter of Hanimandakini "Honey" Raj, an actress who was recruited to the organization and who would become Nadia's model for the life she'd eventually lead herself. Her father is Rahi "Bunny" Gambhir. Though he didn't have a lot of screentime in Citadel he played a significant role as he raised his granddaughter Asha after Nadia was backstopped, a process that wipes agent's memories.
What Citadel: Honey Bunny is going to have to answer is how Rahi went from being a stuntman, to an agent, to a terrorist who is the sworn enemy of Citadel. That's who we've known him as since the flagship premiered, but the prequel shows that the story is more complicated than that. This was hinted at in the franchise's first series since despite her father's designation, Nadia still chose to go to him for help when she found out she was pregnant.
The prequel may also explain what happened to Hanimandakini as she didn't make an appearance in Citadel and, though Nadia spoke highly of her, we weren't given much information about her. But from the trailer for the new entry in this universe, her parents' lives left quite the impression on young Nadia and it's why she joined the agency herself.
Major spoilers ahead for Citadel
As for Nadia's romantic ties, the father of her child is Mason Kane. Once partners in the field, the two had a falling out over Mason's decision to backstop Nadia's friend and fellow agent Celeste. He had done it to protect Nadia and cover-up that she'd stolen tech Citadel wanted. But it fractured their relationship and she left him.
Before they could get a chance to reconcile over a year later on a mission, Manticore (Citadel's rival agency) attacked and they were both backstopped. Nadia had been planning to tell Mason about Asha at the time though she wasn't aware he already knew. By the end of Citadel, they're both aware of who they are to each other and Mason knows he's Asha's father. The situation, however, is complicated.
Mason got married in the 8 years he'd spent without his memories. His wife, Abby, is actually the backstopped Celeste who he'd betrayed and they have their own daughter, Hendrix. Not to mention he's the one responsible for Citadel's downfall.
It's quite the messy web that season 2 of the flagship will have to untangle along with finding Rahi since he was attacked by Manticore in their plot to steal Asha. The young girl is safe but her grandfather is in the wind. It's likely Nadia is going to be the one who tracks Rahi down, and I certainly can't wait to see that reunion.
Stay tuned to Americans Undercover for more Citadel franchise coverage and follow us on X! All six episodes of Citadel: Honey Bunny are streaming on Prime Video.